Dawn! In
Thứ ba, 01 Tháng 6 2010 15:58
profile_dawn Faculty: School of Design & Environment
Major: Architecture, Year 3 Co-curricular Activities (CCAs):
I'm part of the Young Arts House at SDE , otherwise known as YAH. It's a student-initiated group that has been around for almost 10 years. We are housed in a cozy room near SDE’sdesign studios and we offer many modeling materials at low prices, like an on-campus 'Art Friend' store. We seek to complement what isn’t available at the Co-op. For instance, 1.5mm cardboard is available from the Co-op, so we sell 1mm and 2mm ones. Yes, a small 0.5mm difference makes a big difference in architectural models.
YAH is also looking into offering perks for SDE students, particularly near design submission deadlines, which is often a crazy time. Say, provide free cans of coffee or Red Bull or chicken essence. This initiative remains a work-in-progress.